Saturday, November 19, 2011

Life, Homework, and The Library

Hello everyone! It's been a while since we've had the pleasure of discussing my life, so I thought I'd drop in and let you all know how I'm doing.

My NaNoWriMo project is basically over. The past week or so has been very busy for me, as various projects have been tossed on my shoulders by my teachers. It's been a difficult time. That's not to say that I'm done trying to write the book. On the contrary, my efforts shall continue in that direction, but the likelyhood of writing 50,000 words in the alloted time of NaNo has fallen like a wounded falcon who has just been struck by a meteor. The book will be finished. I don't think I could avoid doing something that makes me feel so right with the world.

In other interesting news, something occurred to me a while back that I thought I would try. Maybe you guys would like to give it a shot as well, though be warned it a bit of an odd thing to do.

I've always been amazed at the minds ability to visualize an environment, something that I'm quite familiar with as a fairly avid reader. This idea occurred to me as I pondered the phrase 'go to your happy place' on my way to art class one Tuesday morning. I wasn't pondering this phrase for any particular reason, it's just that when I walk to and from my classes, my mind tends to wander just as far as I am.

Anyway, I was thinking about that phrase and a question occurred to me in that one moment, "What if I could create a permanent, imaginary environment? A place that lives in my imagination, somewhere I can go to literally get lost in thought. Wouldn't that be an interesting experiment."

And thus was born The Library. It didn't take me long to figure out it's general form and shape. I fashioned a library, with thousands upon thousands of books filling the shelves, dusty with neglect. I don't honestly know how big the place is yet, because I've yet to explore very deeply. I haven't gone more then a few aisles in. The rim of the library is dotted periodically with private bedrooms that usually contain some number of matches and candles. It is a rim as the walls of the building are curved. I suspect that the whole thing is one large dome, though one too massive for me to see with the light of the candles that I find. The main part of the library isn't lit by anything, that I can see anyway, and the bookshelves themselves rise beyond the limit of my sight as well.

Overall I suppose it's a rather imposing place, though the thought of it makes me feel rather comfortable. As to the contents of the books therein, I imagine that some of them are records and memories, while others contain dreams, and yet still others are books I have yet to write. Not sure what section I'm in at the moment as I have yet to actually pick up any of the books. Usually, when I spend time there, I spend it searching the aisle and exploring. Truthfully, I suppose that The Library represents the whole of my mind, and as such sometines I wonder what I'll find in there. What ideas could fill up all of these books? What characters and creatures stalk the aisles? Moreover, whats at the very center of it all?

As I explore, I hope to find the answers to these questions and more. It's not that I couldn't answer them now, I suppose, but rather that I don't currently have any possibilities that I think are worthy of being the proper answer. When I do, I'll have just have one more question answered.

Now, to do what I was born to do.

Writing for my Future,
Marc Eshleman

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